Does Your Vacuum Need Some TLC?

We offer vacuum repair services in Ridgeland, MS and surrounding areas

Is your vacuum not working like it should? If you want to make it run like new, turn to Aerus for vacuum repair services in Ridgeland, MS. We have the right tools to repair belts, bags, filters, brushes and more on your vacuum with ease. We specialize in repairing Aerus and Aerus Electrolux models of vacuums, but we can also repair most other brands.

Visit our vacuum cleaner store today. We look forward to working with you.

Signs your vacuum needs to be repaired

Signs your vacuum needs to be repaired

You don't have to search far and wide for a reputable vacuum cleaner store in or around the Ridgeland, MS area. Look no further than Aerus. You should reach out to us if:

  • Your vacuum is making strange noises
  • Your vacuum is overheating
  • Your vacuum is emitting a foul smell
  • Your vacuum isn't turning off

If you're dealing with any of these problems, bring your vacuum into our vacuum cleaner store today.